
What We Do

Effective Philanthropy works with philanthropists and policy makers by

  • Producing, independent "issue-based" reports and analysis on topics of interest to them, guiding them on where and how to fund and how best to structure programs and policy
    • The nature of the issue (who and how many people are affected)
    • Underlying causes
    • Types of effective and suitable interventions
    • Examples of organisations adopting effective intervention approaches
  • Articulating an organisational mission and grant-making strategy
  • Designing and setting up operational systems for grant-making
  • Developing and piloting innovative programs
  • Evaluating non-profit programs for effectiveness
  • Working in collaboration with philanthropists and non-for-profit organisations on:
    • Organisational development including strategy, operations, structure, resourcing and financial sustainability
    • Board performance evaluation and development.

 Effective Philanthropy does not undertake fundraising work or broker funding between philanthropic and non-profit organisations